NAP SACC UK is delivered in nurseries by ‘NAP SACC UK Partners’ working alongside nursery managers to take them through a process of review, staff training and targeted assistance. The Partners are staff employed or commissioned by the Local Authority or NHS, for example they may be Public Health Officers or Health Visitors.
The steps in the NAP SACC programme are as follows:
- Review and Reflect
The nursery manager, together with key nursery staff complete the NAP SACC UK ‘Review and Reflect’ tool. This tool allows the nursery to assess their current practice.
- Goal setting
Based on the ‘Review and Reflect’ answers, nurseries will set goals for themselves with guidance and support from a NAPSACC UK Partner. These will be goals that the nursery feels will be within their reach, given their resources.
- Workshop Delivery
The trained NAP SACC UK Partner delivers a workshop to the staff. The workshop will cover nutrition and physical activity for children and will engage all the nursery staff in action planning to meet the goals set by the nursery manager and NAP SACC UK Partner.
- Targeted technical assistance
NAP SACC UK Partners maintain regular contact with the nursery to provide support and guidance in making their improvements.
- Evaluate, Revise, and Repeat
The NAP SACC UK ‘Review and Reflect’ tool is completed a second time to review progress on the goals they set. The programme will be repeated, and goals are revised by the nursery manager, nursery staff and NAP SACC UK Partner to include new goals and objectives and the technical assistance continues.